zaterdag 28 mei 2011

McDonald's drive-though refuses to serve woman in horse-drawn carriage... so she went to KFC

A WOMAN riding in a horse and carriage has been refused service at a McDonald's drive-through because it was deemed too dangerous.

Debbie Murden, 42, was turned away from the fast food restaurant in Alfreton on Saturday after staff said it was unsafe to serve her when she was in the carriage.
Video of the Woman going to KFC instead

Moments later she took her stallion – a Welsh Cob called Dago – over the road to KFC where she placed an order with little fuss.

Miss Murden, from Pinxton, said she was surprised by the refusal, as she rides her horse and carriage all over Notts, stopping off at pubs and restaurants along the way.

"My horse travels on dual carriageways and is never affected – there is no reason why it would be dangerous.

"I went into the restaurant to buy a meal for me and my boyfriend and some carrot sticks for my horse.

"It was a surprise to me as I've never been refused before. We often stop off at pubs and leave the stallion in the car park, it's usually no bother whatsoever, and is mostly a good talking point."

Miss Murden said she was especially shocked by the staff's refusal to serve her as she had used the drive-through a couple of weeks ago with no problem to buy a meal for her and her horse.

Her frustration is compounded by the fact it's not outlined that you can't use the drive-through service in a horse and carriage.

She has sent a complaint to McDonald's about being turned away, but the fast-food restaurant has yet to reply.

She added: "If they say sorry and admit it's their fault then I will go there again but from now on I'll be using KFC."

A McDonald's spokesman said: "We're sorry to have disappointed Ms Debbie Murden and for any confusion caused.

"The health and safety of our customers is our top priority and for this reason we are unable to serve customers in a horse-drawn carriage.

"We will ensure this policy is reiterated to our employees so any inconsistency is avoided."

A KFC spokesman said: "We were happy to serve Ms Murden and look forward to seeing her again soon."

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